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Misunderstood Monsters
By Diane Mulhern on Thursday March 5, 2015 on Kiwi Kids News
There are a lot of different opinions on Pit Bulls and the misunderstood animals are banned in over 12 countries around the world – But are they the monsters everyone says they are?
Meet “Hulk”, a 76 kg Pit Bull bred and trained by dark dynasty k9s in America. The business breeds protection dogs for celebrities, Billionaires, Law enforcements and those living in fear. The breeders, Marlon and Lisa grennan know the danger and power of their dogs but they say that they trust Hulk 100 percent with their 3 year old son.
Dark dynasty k9s train their dogs to be the ultimate form of protection and are trained to attack on command to protect their owners. Marlon and Lisa admit that a dog of Hulk’s size could easily snap a grown man’s arm and yet they are strong believers that no dog is evil, It is simply how they are raised.
Hulk and the rest of the dogs bred by Marlon and Lisa are potentially lethal but they insist that in a home environment the dogs are very gentle and are amazing family dogs. They say that their dogs are raised with love and kindness and their training ensures that they are completely obedient and friendly unless ordered otherwise.
Hulk is almost 3 times bigger than a normal Pit Bull and it believed to become the biggest Pitbull in the world – He is only 17 months old! Despite all of this, Marlon and Lisa trust this huge animal with their young son and Hulk appears to love him just as much as his parents!
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