Thursday, 19 March 2015

My Mythical Creature


Unknown said...

That is a pretty interesting looking creature Tioti - I can see a tiger mixed with a Komodo Dragon I think? And is that eagle wings?
It would be great to have a description and explanation of why you posted this impressive creature.

Anonymous said...

Hi Petra
I have a description but I'm sorry for making it small but I wrote:
The reason why I pick a Komodo Dragon face is because their spit can paralyze people when they try to run away.
The reason why I pick a tiger body is because it can camouflage in grass that is dead.
The reason why I pick wings is so I can fly to places faster and to find my enemies easily.

Thanks for the feedforward. I didn't know people can't read but me.

Unknown said...

Well your mythical creature sounds like it would be a truly impressive creature that I wouldn't like to come up against! It would be cool to hear a story involving your creature battling another type of mythical creature - maybe a Griffin?!

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